Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Visiting Tampa In Hurricane Season

Summer Months are during the Hurricane season in Florida. The Season Last For Several Months as you can find more details in the section below Since the summer is the season for Hurricanes this time of year can be the least inexpensive time to visit Florida. Most can get somewhat concerned about Visiting Tampa In the Summer months however I can assure those seeking to save money that there is little to no scare. The summer months can be quite rainy, however normally the rain occurs close to the evening time lasting only a short time and the daytime is usually hot and sunny weather. For those scared of Hurricanes in general just be aware that a fair 5 to 7 day warning is in effect for these kinds of storms so you have plenty of time to reschedule plans or leave the area. Being a resident of the area I find that we are effected very less often by hurricanes than the average Tornado during that season in the midwest. Every area has its storm in any season so in my opinion visit in the Summer and save some Bucks!! Just stay informed...

Monday, June 22, 2009

How to Prepare For a Hurricane

Hurricane season runs from June 1st until November 30th....Its quite a long span of time so it is very important to stay prepared. Even though last season was a slow one there are predicted to be 3-4 tropical storms this season. I live here in Florida in the city of Tampa and although we have not had many storms Tampa Bay as certainly been plaugued by some scares. Tampa had a Bit of a scare in 2006 with a hurricane said to be headed our way but as many Tampanians predicted it of course changed paths but just because Tampa has gotten lucky along with several other Florida cities doesnt mean that we have the same chances and should be prepared. Here are some ways that you can prepare ahead of time in case of a storm. We also invite everyone to share their stories and ideas with us on how you get prepared or maybe a situation in which you werent...

Make sure you have an emergency stock of canned food the very least enough for 3 days but it is suggested to have enough for one to two weeks. Stock up on high energy foods like peanut butter or protein bars. Bagged chips or crackers are good items to keep in your stash as well.

You must always keep and emergency supply of bottled water on hand in case of a storm. If the water supply is disrupted or contaminated you will need fresh water. At least enough to last a week or so. This means about 2-5 gallons of water per person especially in the flordia heat with no AC water is very very important. Its imortant to shop early too because when a storm is headed the water at the grocery store goes very quick off the shelves. Trust Me !! Since I have lived in Tampa there have been a couple of storm scares and every season the bottled and gallon water goes quick!!

Make sure you have a plan of evacuation. Which route will you take to exit? If you plan to stay what do you need to prepare? Extra food, water, and you should also get a raft in case it floods. This will insure that you do not get stranded.

Your pets are family members to so please dont forget to make a plan for them too. They need food, water, and a plan to evacuate as well.

Make sure all flashlights, portable radios and TVs are filled with fresh batteries and prepared with a backup supply or two, you will need to stay informed about emergency and evacuation procedures.

Once you hear that a storm is coming, make sure you fill your gas tank and keep in full! This way if for some reason gas is unavailable you can still evacuate the area.

These are just a few important ideas that you should consider when preparing for a Hurricane.....You can find more info at the nation weather information site. Please add your ideas and experiences..we look forward to hearing back from everyone...also visit our other website for some great information on things to do, places to visit and nightlife!
